Grow Heavier, Lay More: The Best Science-Backed Feed for Pullets


Are you struggling to get the most out of your 16-week-old pullets? Many poultry farmers face challenges in optimizing pullet weight before egg production. Imagine despite your best efforts, your layers do not give you the best egg production rate. What if there was a way to change that? Here’s how Petros Farms Developer Feed, scientifically formulated for 16-week-old pullets, can help them reach their full potential and ensure a smooth transition to laying healthy eggs.

Challenges with Commercial Feeds:

At Petros Farms, we’ve tested and used five different commercial Grower feeds for our pullets that arrived at 12 to 16 weeks. However, none met international standards. These feeds either had terribly low crude protein and energy levels, affecting weight gain, or too much calcium, which can damage our pullets’ kidneys.

Introducing Petros Farms Developer Feed:

In January 2024, we began producing our own chicken feed for pullet development to address these challenges. Pullet weight gain is crucial for optimal egg production. Imagine if your layers could maintain an egg production rate above 90% for over 30 weeks. That’s the performance you can achieve with the right care and nutrition for pullets at this critical stage.
When we sold our chickens in Pen 1, they were 100 weeks old and still maintaining 70% egg production. As we prepared the Pen for new stock of point-of-lay pullets at 16 weeks, we also developed a new type of feed. Introducing our in-house formulated Developer Feed, designed to unlock the full potential of your pullets as they develop into egg-laying monsters. Let’s dive into why our Developer Feed will be a game-changer for our 16-week-old pullets and yours.

Nutritional Breakdown of Our Developer Feed
  • Crude Protein: 18.26%
  • Crude Fat: 3.16%
  • Crude Fiber: 3.37%
  • Ash: 6.07%
  • Metabolizable Energy: 3030 Kcal/kg
  • Calcium: 1.08%
  • Total Phosphorus: 0.746%
Comparison with Commercial Grower Feeds

We compared our Developer Feed with various commercial Grower feeds used in the past. Here’s what we found:

Commercial Grower Feed A:
  • Crude Protein: 16.50% (slightly below target)
  • Crude Fat: 5.30% (above target)
  • Crude Fiber: 5% (above target)
  • Ash: 12.74% (above target)
    Metabolizable Energy: 2866 Kcal/kg (slightly below target)
  • Calcium: 2.39% (above target)
  • Assessment: Bad. Significantly off target values in several areas.
Commercial Grower Feed B:
  • Crude Protein: 18.36% (within target)
  • Crude Fat: 4.78% (above target)
  • Crude Fiber: 6.85% (above target)
  • Ash: 8.51% (slightly above target)
  • Metabolizable Energy: 2841 Kcal/kg (below target)
  • Calcium: 1.40% (above target)
  • Assessment: Bad. High fat, fiber, ash, and calcium levels.
Commercial Grower Feed C:
  • Crude Protein: 15.17% (below target)
  • Crude Fat: 2.22% (slightly below target)
  • Crude Fiber: 4.44% (slightly above target)
  • Ash: 5.44% (slightly below target)
  • Metabolizable Energy: 2943 Kcal/kg (within target)
  • Calcium: 1.08% (slightly above target)
  • Total Phosphorus: 0.745% (within target)
  • Assessment: Mixed. Close to target but not ideal.
Commercial Grower Feed D:
  • Crude Protein: 16% (below target)
  • Crude Fat: 3% (within target)
  • Crude Fiber: 8% (above target)
  • Ash: 13.14% (above target)
  • Metabolizable Energy: 2600 Kcal/kg (below target)
  • Calcium: 1% (within target)
  • Total Phosphorus: 0.41% (below target)
  • Assessment: Bad. Off target in many areas.
Commercial Grower Feed E:
  • Crude Protein: 16.95% (slightly below target)
  • Crude Fat: 3.59% (slightly above target)
  • Crude Fiber: 7.80% (above target)
  • Ash: 7.38% (within target)
  • Metabolizable Energy: 2813 Kcal/kg (below target)
  • Calcium: 1.20% (slightly above target)
  • Total Phosphorus: 0.745% (within target)
  • Assessment: Mixed. Closer to target but still not ideal.

Among these, Grower Feed C is the closest to the target values, but it still falls short. This is why we developed our own in-house feed. And you can do it too if you formulate your own feed.

Why a Developer Feed?

Our Developer Feed is specifically designed for 16-week-old chickens, formulated to support their growth as they approach maturity. Here’s how it compares to a typical good Grower Feed:

Crude Protein:
  • Petros Farms Developer Feed: 18.26%
  • Grower Feed: 16-18%
  • Higher protein in our feed supports optimal growth and muscle development.


Crude Fat:
  • Petros Farms Developer Feed: 3.16%
  • Grower Feed: 2-3%
  • Slightly higher fat content provides additional energy needed for growth.


Crude Fiber:
  • Petros Farms Developer Feed: 3.37%
  • Grower Feed: 4-5%
  • Lower fiber allows for nutrient-dense ration.


  • Petros Farms Developer Feed: 6.07%
  • Grower Feed: 6-8%
  • Our feed is within range but on the lower end, balancing essential minerals.


Metabolizable Energy:
  • Developer Feed: 3030 Kcal/kg
  • Grower Feed: 2800-3000 Kcal/kg
  • Higher energy content supports the needs of developing chickens.


  • Developer Feed: 1.08%
  • Grower Feed: 0.8-1%
  • Higher calcium aids in bone development as birds approach laying age.


Total Phosphorus:
  • Developer Feed: 0.746%
  • Grower Feed: 0.5-0.7%
  • Higher phosphorus supports overall growth and bone development.
Key Differences and Benefits


Higher Protein Content: 18.26% supports optimal growth and muscle development.
  • Muscle Development: Protein is the building block of muscles. During the critical development stage between 10-16 weeks, pullets are rapidly growing muscles and organs. A higher protein content in their feed provides the essential amino acids needed to build strong, healthy muscles that will support their weight and future egg production.
  • Feather Development: Protein also plays a crucial role in feather growth. Pullets need a good supply of protein to develop a thick, healthy feather coat that will keep them warm and provide insulation.


Balanced Fat Levels: 3.16% provides the right amount of energy for growing pullets.
  • Energy Source: Fat provides a concentrated source of energy for growing pullets. This additional energy helps them meet the demands of rapid growth and development, ensuring they don’t become depleted by relying solely on protein or carbohydrates.
  • Nutrient Absorption: Fat also aids in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) which are essential for overall health, immune function, and proper development.
  • Why Balance is Important: While both protein and fat are crucial, it’s important to have a balanced level. Too much protein can put a strain on the kidneys of young pullets, while excessive fat can lead to them becoming overweight before laying, potentially delaying egg production or impacting egg quality. Petros Farms Developer Feed is formulated with a balance of these nutrients to optimize pullet growth without compromising their health.


Optimal Fiber (3.37%): Supports Healthy Digestion in Young Pullets.
  • Gut Health: Fiber acts like a prebiotic in a chicken’s digestive system. It promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria that aid in digestion and nutrient absorption. This is especially important for young pullets as their digestive systems are still developing.
  • Gut Function: A proper level of fiber helps regulate gut motility, preventing constipation and diarrhea, both of which can impact overall health and growth.
  • Feeling Full: Fiber provides a feeling of satiety, helping pullets feel fuller for longer and reducing the risk of overeating. This can be beneficial in maintaining a healthy weight during development.


Controlled Ash Content (6.07%): Ensures a Balance of Essential Minerals in Pullet Feed
  • Ash represents the inorganic residue remaining after burning organic matter in the feed. It’s a source of essential minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sodium.
  • Balance is Key: While these minerals are crucial for pullet development, too much ash can indicate an imbalance. Petros Farms Developer Feed keeps the ash content within an optimal range, ensuring pullets receive the necessary minerals without ingesting excessive amounts of unwanted elements.


High Metabolizable Energy (3030 Kcal/kg): Supports Growth and Activity
  • Energy Demands: Growing pullets have high energy demands for building muscle, developing organs, and maintaining overall activity levels. Metabolizable energy is the amount of energy actually available to the bird after digestion and absorption.
  • Fuel for Growth: The increased metabolizable energy in Petros Farms Developer Feed provides the necessary fuel for pullets to reach their full growth potential before laying. This ensures they have sufficient energy reserves for the demanding process of egg production.


Appropriate Calcium Levels (1.08%): Aids in Bone Development for Point-of-Lay Pullets
  • Strong Skeleton: Calcium is a vital mineral for bone development and maintaining strong bones. As pullets approach laying age, their bodies require more calcium to create strong eggshells.
  • Gradual Increase: Petros Farms Developer Feed provides an appropriate level of calcium for this critical stage, allowing for gradual bone development before transitioning to higher calcium levels in pre-layer and layer feeds during egg production. This helps prevent skeletal issues that can arise from too much calcium intake early on.
  • Calcium Levels Across Different Feeds:

Grower Feed: 0.8-1% calcium
Developer Feed: 1-1.5% calcium
Pre-Layer Feed: 1.8-2% calcium
Layer Feed: 3.5-4% calcium

These differences in our developer feed are crucial for supporting the final growth phase of chickens before they transition to a pre-layer feed. The increased protein and energy prepare chickens for the demands of egg production, while the higher calcium content supports bone development.

Our Approach

At Petros Farms, we understand the challenges poultry farmers face, especially when it comes to finding the right feed for 16-week-old pullets. Our approach to poultry layer management is based on science and evidence. That’s why we developed our Developer Feed – to give our arriving pullets the optimal nutrition they need to thrive.

Choosing the Right Feed

Choosing the right feed at the right time is crucial for your flock’s health and productivity. Our Developer Feed supports better growth, health, and a smooth transition to higher calcium Pre-layer and Layer feeds, minimizing health risks and maximizing productivity in your egg-laying chickens.

How to Use Developer Feed

If you receive your point-of-lay chickens at 16 weeks, use our Developer Feed until their average weight exceeds 1300 grams. Then switch to our pre-layer feed. If you’re rearing your own pullets, start using our Developer Feed from 10 weeks and switch to pre-layer at 16 weeks, ensuring the average weight is above 1300 grams. Do not feed pre-layer to any pullet before 15 weeks, even if they reach the target weight.

Our Results

We’ll monitor our pullets and share the results with you. Subscribe to our channel to follow along and see the results. If you rear your own pullets or source point-of-lay pullets for your farm, imagine your farm overflowing with fresh eggs every week! Developer Feed could be the key to making that dream a reality.


If you want to maximize your pullets’ potential and ensure optimal egg production, consider switching to Petros Farms Developer Feed. It’s scientifically formulated to meet the specific needs of 16-week-old pullets at this critical stage of their development.
Ready to see the difference Developer Feed can make in your flock? Visit our website or give us a call.

Top 5 Key Takeaways
  1. Challenges with Commercial Feeds: At Petros Farms, we’ve found that many commercial Grower feeds fall short, lacking protein and energy or containing excessive calcium.
  2. Introducing Petros Farms Developer Feed: Developed to address these challenges and ensure optimal weight gain and egg production.
  3. Nutritional Superiority: Our Developer Feed boasts superior protein (18.26%), balanced fat (3.16%), optimal fiber (3.37%), and increased metabolizable energy (3030 Kcal/kg), surpassing typical Grower feeds.
  4. Enhanced Growth and Health: The feed is specifically designed to support the growth and health of 16-week-old pullets, providing essential nutrients for muscle development, energy, and bone health.
  5. Proven Results: Using our Developer Feed from 16 weeks until pullets reach an average weight of 1300 grams ensures better growth, a smooth transition to higher calcium pre-layer and layer feeds, and maximized productivity.



Petros Farms


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